Oscar D. Valdes

-Art Portfolio-

Beautiful Abstract Bluesky Water Color Background Texture


Everything has a design; in my work I aim to capitalize on the unique attributes found in and on organic structures and the overall language that nature has spent all of time working on. By abstracting these elements or simply rendering them to the best of my abilities, my art acts as a vessel for studying nature and appreciating all the forms it takes.


Email: oscardvaldes@icloud.com


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-Life line-

"SOMEWHERE" exhibition, Chicago IL, 2022

Life Line aims to gather various motifs, symbols, and images that have developed through my artistic practice. The placement of these works in the gallery space are as random as the thoughts themselves; hence the spaced out placement of the drawings. Some could be found easily, others would require a bit of searching, being placed closer to the floor or the entrance or exit of the gallery space. All to highlight the random hierarchy of thoughts the mind conjures.


a precursor to LIFE LIne,


A study and act on the harmony that animals can create when hiding in nature.


Chicago IL, 2019

Life is ever changing, in this work I aimed to highlight the tangle of past and present with figures and symbols being a constant despite the passage of time.

-Self portrait-

Miami FL, 2018

-Pre coursers to my metophorical laungage-

As seen throughout my work, there are recurring figures. some include, the serpent, acting as a symbolic metaphor for myself and my imperfections, and the roots, acting as a metaphor for memories and how they support us. These symbols among others help make a language of sorts that help convey what I want to say without words.

-a night with help-

Miami FL, 2018

-Helping hands-

Miami FL, 2018


a continues series

-A tale of two oscars-

Orlando FL, 2020


A clay study on the anotomy of the face.

-Paleo art-

the main focus of my scientific illustration

Paleoart aims to show a world lost to time. By using scientific data as a foundation and imagination to fill in the gaps, I find Paleoart to be one of the best exercises I do in my artistic practice. It goes beyond just drawing dinosaurs, it becomes a practice in appreciating the diversity life had, and continues to have. My Paleoart has been presented and displayed among other works of scientific illustrations in “Scientific Illustration” a exhibition curated by Peggy Macnamara, Resident Artist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago Illinois.

-Scientific Illustration-

My intrest in scientific illustration is not limited to Paleoart. I find extant forms of life just as interesting as extinct ones. Hence you will often see both play a role in more conceptual works. Here in this painting I wanted to depict a scene of life in the oceans that I have lived so very close to all my life here in Miami.

-CREATURE design-

A study in nature and design without limits.

-Blind love-

Chicago IL, 2019

An attempt at making a design that feels alien in nature, juxtaposed with the warm and very human feeling of love.

-a hunter-

Miami FL, 2018

A fleshing out of a world different yet same to our own.

-A break in design and a focus on the quiet moments of life-

As demonstrated my art aims to capture the beautiful detailed complexities of life and the many forms it takes. As a practice in simplicity I have taken a focus in light hearted comics. Simplified both in execution and in subject matter these comics are often self biographical and act to highlight the smaller moments in life.

Chicago IL, 2019

A collection of small comics in a 15 page long book.

Orlando, 2021

A recap of my college years and a story of finding out what home means in a 16 page book.

Chicago IL, 2019

A practice in breaking the 4th wall.

-Character sheets-